LNN Calendar Submission

Our form for submitting an item for the Labyrinth Network Northwest calendar page is currently out of order. If you wish to submit an items for the calendar, you may send email including the following information in this format:


Your name
Your email address
Your phone number


Event date (mm/dd/yy)
Event time
Event title
Event description (a couple of sentences, web address)
Event location (name of the venue)
Event street address
Event City, State Zip

Send email with the above information to:

Items for the LNN calendar may also be submitted by sending information to:

Labyrinth Network Northwest
275 NW Lost Springs Terrace, #106
Portland, OR 97229

Note that it may be several days before your item is added to the calendar.

Return to the LNN Calendar page

If you have any questions, please email: kay@LabyrinthNetworkNorthwest.org