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Permanent Labyrinths - Portland, OR and surrounding area

This includes 2 lists: First is Permanent Labyrinths within 10 miles of Portland followed by a list of additional labyrinths within 25 miles of Portland including Clark County Washington.

See  Western Washington Labyrinth Network on facebook for information about events in the Seattle area.

All of the events currently appearing on the calendar are virtual finger labyrinth walks. If you have a labyrinth event of any kind, feel free to submit it using the link at the top of this calendar.

If you need a finger labyrinth, there are printable copies of both the Chartres and Classical labyrinths on the LNN Website Resources Page at the bottom of the column labeled "Documents, Forms and Fliers."


Monday, November 30,  2020
  7:00 PM

 Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Advent Icon Walk

Join Trinity Episcopal Cathedral for an evening of exploring Advent, Icons and the Finger Labyrinth. Christine Thum Schlesser, Director of the Trinity Iconography Institute, will talk about the history, meaning and use of Icons for personal prayer. After contemplation of icons and a short meditation, there will be a finger labyrinth walk followed by a time for community sharing.

To join, click this Zoom link:


Monday, December 21,  2020
  7:00 PM

 Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Solstice  Finger Labyrinth Meditation

 This event will begin with a slide show and presentation about the past and present celebrations of the Solstice. A finger labyrinth walk and a time for community sharing will follow.

To join, click this Zoom link: