
Many wonderful things are happening in and around labyrinths in the Pacific Northwest. This labyrinth Reflections page gives LNN subscribers and members an opportunity to share their personal experiences with each other and with like-minded labyrinth souls throughout the world.

We invite you to contribute as the Labyrinth Spirit moves, through inspirational stories, poems, drawings, paintings, music, photos – whatever expresses the labyrinth for you.

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Click here for Reflections Submission Guidelines and Preparation Instructions.

Labyrinth Repair -- Christ United Methodist Church

by Terry Styner
The Story of the Labyrinth

by Robert Vlach
Labyrinths & Lagers

by Mark Woodlief

Another Emmaus Road

by Scott Crane

The Gift

by Jodi Lorimer

Listening to the
Voice Within

by Sharlene Inglis

Birdseed Labyrinth

by Crystal Dawn Walker

Quaker Labyrinth

by Be Davison Herrera

Creating a Sacred Space

By Elaine Jenkins