Labyrinth Resources -- How to find and Use Them
Jeff Saward
With the use of the Internet and the wealth of books and publications currently available on labyrinths, how can you choose reliable labyrinth resources? Jeff will share from his extensive experience of being at the forefront of labyrinth research and education.
Living Labyrinthically
Kimberly Lowelle Saward, Ph.D.
Walking the labyrinth can affect the way we meet the unexpected twists and turns that occur on life's journey. Kimberly will draw on her doctoral research as she relates what it can mean to adopt a labyrinthic approach to life.
Creating Labyrinths -- Anywhere, Anytime
Lisa Moriarity
Learn the basics of making simple labyrinth designs that can be used as personal labyrinths for finger-walking or full-size walking forms. We will discuss different types, sizes and installation considerations and create a temporary labyrinth to walk. No experience necessary.
Lisa Gidlow Moriarity is a Certified Labyrinth Facilitator. She designs inside/outside labyrinths, provides consultation and installation services, and offers labyrinth workshops and retreats. Lisa is Vice-President and Regional Representative for The Labyrinth Society.
The Labyrinth – An Interfaith Approach
Mary Jo Chaves, OSF, Renette Meltebeke, MA, LPC
Gloria Jost, M. Div.
Explore the labyrinth as a spiritual tool that is both personal and universal. As a metaphor for life, we are all on the path together. The panel will share perspectives from each of their spiritual traditions and invite dialogue with workshop participants.
Sr. Mary Jo is a Catholic Franciscan. She is a Spiritual Director and a labyrinth retreat/workshop leader.
Renette is a practioner in the Buddhist tradition. She is a career counselor and the coordinator of The Labyrinth Guild at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, OR.
Gloria comes from a broad Protestant background. She is a Spiritual Director, leader of chant and a labyrinth retreat/workshop leader.
All three panel leaders are Certified Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitators from the greater Portland, OR area.